Friday, November 8, 2013

Academic Shoot Reflection

1.) Some challenges I encountered while trying to get the photos that followed the rules were adjusting my self to capture the rules and trying to find in which classes I could get some good photos.

2.) The thing i was mostly thinking about was the focusing because my camera was manual focus and every time I zoomed in or out I needed to adjust the focus.

3.) If i could do this assignment again i would probably try harder to find the rules and capture them well with the camera.

4.) Something i would do the same is the rule of simplicity because i think i did that very well.

5.) I think that the easiest rule to achieve would be the framing rule.

6.) I think that the harder rule to achieve would be the simplicity rule.

7.) A rule that I am still not totally clear on is the rule of balance. Something I can do to figure out this rule is look for more examples on it and practice it.