Thursday, October 17, 2013

Academics Shoot

1. I think I followed this rule really well.
2. The subject is the girl doing her work.
3. I think it would be clear to know what the subject is if people look at this photo.

1. I think I didn't really follow this rule to well.
2. The main subjects on this photo are the sky and the grass.
3. I don't really think it would be clear to people looking at this photo.
4. I could have made it clear by taking the photo somewhere with more students walking.

1. I think I followed this photo really well.
2. The subjects in this photo are the two guys playing basketball.
3. I think the subject is very clear to people looking at this photo. 

Rule of Thirds
1. I think I followed this rule somewhat okay.
2. The subjects are the two girls running.
3. I don't really think the subjects are clear in this photo.
4. Something I could of done differently on this photo is if i wouldn't have had the 
boy in the photo also.

Avoiding Mergers
1. I think I followed this rule really well.
2. The subject in this photo is the person's arm who got cut off.
3. I think the subject is pretty clear in this photo.

1. I don't think I followed this rule well at all.
2. The subjects in this photo are the computers.
3. I don't think people will know what the subject is in this photo.
4. Something i could have done differently on this photo is find a better example
of lines because two of the computer are out of place.

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